When you start QIDISlicer for the first time, the Configuration Wizard popup opens automatically.
In addition, you can also open the configuration window through the Top Menu Configuration->Configuration Wizard.
First startup When QIDISlicer is opened for the first time, a pop-up window appears as shown in the following figure.
The first is the Welcome TAB, which provides the option to "delete all user profiles".
Log in to your QIDI account
If you log into your QIDI account, the software synchronizes the online devices on your account.
Configure the printer
This section shows a list of QIDI FFF printers with different models and nozzle sizes. You can use this section to add the corresponding model of your printer to the configuration list.
Customize the printer
You can customize the printer profile. Just check the "define a Custom Printer profile" box in the following TAB and edit the main parameters of the Custom Printer in the sub-options of the Custom Printer TAB.
Firmware type
On this page, you can select the firmware type for your custom printer.
Bed Shape and Size
Set the shape of your printer's bed.
Build Volume
Set the printer height.
Print Diameters
You can enter the diameter of your printer's host end nozzle and filament.
You can enter the temperature needed for extrusion and bed.
Filament Profiles Selection
You can select your filaments in this TAB. Sorted by compatible printer, material type and supplier.
QIDISlicer can be set to automatically check for application updates and automatically update built-in profiles.
Reload from disk
By default, 3MF project files are configured not to save the full path of the source model, as this can pose a security risk when sharing such files. If the full path is not saved and a reload from disk is requested, QIDISlicer will ask for the location of the source file.
Files association
Associate 3mf, stl, and step files with QIDISlicer. If enabled, QIDISlicer will be set as the default program to open these formats.
View mode
View mode can be selected between simple, advanced, and specialized modes.