The "Spiral Vase" is a special printing mode that prints the outer wall through only one perimeter and gradually increases the Z height by spiraling upward. In this way, apart from the bottom shell layers, there is no starting point and end point in the perimeter of each layer, and there is no "scar" like seams on the surface of the model, which can greatly improve the quality of the model surface.
The following two images are a comparison of the normal mode and the spiral vase mode. You can see that the surface of the model in the "Spiral Vase" mode has no seams.
"Spiral Vase" mode can be enabled under the Others tab → Special mode.
When you confirm that you want to enable the spiral vase mode, it will automatically adjust the Settings to set the outer wall layer to 1, the top shell layer to 0, and the sparse infill density to 0%.
However, please note that models printed in vase mode (also known as spiral mode) only have a single wall without infill or top layers. Therefore, it is only suitable for simpler structures. Printing more complex models in this mode may result in unsupported areas or overhangs.
If you wish to print multiple objects simultaneously using the "Spiral vase" mode in one plate, please choose the "By object" Print sequence.