Mesh boolean operation is a kind of logical operation method that obtains new part shapes by performing union, difference, and intersection operations on two parts.
Here are the three common boolean operation methods: Union, Difference, Intersection.
First, select two objects and then combine them to activate the boolean operation tool.
Union is the process of combining two parts into one, removing the overlapping portion of the two parts, and retaining the remaining parts as a single entity.
In a union operation, first select object A and object B, then perform the union operation. This process merges the two parts into one, optimizing slicing and print pathing for 3D printing.
Without performing a union operation, if two models overlap, the slicing process will result in overlapping paths.
When two models overlap and a union operation is applied, the slicing process will not result in overlapping paths.
Difference set is when you subtract the common part of two objects from one object. To perform a difference operation, first select object A (the object from which you want to subtract), then select object B (the object to be subtracted), Check the 'Delete Input' checkbox and finally execute the operation to remove the intersection, effectively subtracting the overlapping part of object B from object A.
Intersection involves retaining only the common part between two objects. In an intersection operation, first select object A and then object B. Next, execute the operation to remove the excess parts, preserving only the overlapping area between the two objects.