Line width means the width of a single melted filament extruded by the nozzle during the printing. Usually, the width of the extruded material is almost the same as the diameter of the nozzle.
The width of the material extruded by the nozzle is primarily determined by the nozzle diameter. If you want a line width wider or narrower than the nozzle diameter, you need to control the extrusion flow rate. Because the nozzle diameter is fixed, the set line width is typically close to the nozzle diameter. Significant deviations between the line width and nozzle diameter can result in poor print quality. For various nozzle sizes, we generally advise against modifying the line width.
You can set the line width for each line type in Process - Quality - Line Width.
If the line width of other line types is set to 0, the default line width is used.
Set the line width of the first layer. If it conflicts with the line width of other line types, the first layer line width is used. The default line width of the first layer is usually wider because appropriately increasing the line width/layer height ratio of the first layer can enhance adhesion and improve the printing success rate.
Inner and outer wall line widths as shown in the diagram.
Set the line width of the top surface of the model. The top layer refers to the top surface of the model, as shown in the figure below.
The line width of all sparse infill. In addition to the top shell and bottom shell, as long as there is an infilling area bigger than the "Minimum sparse infill threshold" in other layers, it belongs to sparse infill.
Set the line width of the internal solid infill. When you set more than 1 bottom shell or top shell, except for the bottom and top layers, the other bottom/top layers belong to internal solid infill. In addition, sparse infill areas that are smaller than the “Minimum sparse infill threshold” will be replaced by internal solid infill.
Set the line width of the support and support interface. You can refer to this wiki for details on support and support interface: Support